Salem First Methodist Church

Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly.

244 S. Broadway Ave., P.O. Box 463, Salem OH - 330-337-9531

Salem First Methodist Church

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This Weeks Service

Sunday, july 28


Joshua 6:1-5

J​u​dges 2:6-​7, 10-13


“Victory & Defeat”

Watch our Hearts on Fire service!

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Our Service Times:

Chapel Service: Sunday 8:15 a.m.

Sanctuary: Sunday 10:25 a.m.

Hearts on Fire: Sunday 11:15

Prayer Request:

Sally Gale, Pat Crowl, Sc​ott Brooks,

Phil & Karen Buchmann, Stanley Stokes, Scott Jones, F​amily of June Bartholow & Frank Tenzek

Our Staff

Our Pastor:

Byron Bufkin

Who We Are:

Salem First is a kind, caring congregation that seeks to be in mission. When you attend our services or special events it is our hope that you feel welcomed. We are all in a journey of faith, helping each other see the grace of God, experience the love of Jesus Christ and live in the comfort of the Holy Spirit.

Our Treasurer:

Yvonne Bennett

Music Director:

Chris Brown

Office Manager:

Jenny Toporcer

Also on Staff:


Linda Peterson

HOF Praise Director:

Brian Schell


Adult Choir

The senior choir provides special music for our 10:25a.m. service. They also perform larger works at Christmas and Easter. Anyone is welcome to join! Choir practice is on Thursday evenings at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary. (Off during Summer months.)

Praise Band

The Praise Band offers up our praise choruses at the beginning of our 10:25 a.m. service. It is made up of guitars, drums, piano and vocalists. Band practice is on Thursday evenings at 8p.m. in the Sanctuary.

HOF Praise Band

This Praise Band offers up songs of praise for our "Hearts on Fire" worship service at 11:15 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. They practice every Wednesday evening from 6-8 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall

Peace Ringers

Our adult bell choir has been ringing bells for many years and is still going strong. They play special music for the 10:25 a.m. service 4-5 times a year. Hand bell practice is on Tuesday night (off during summer months) at 6 p.m. in the bell room.

children's sunday school

Nursery (0-3 years old)

Located on the main level; Room 25

The nursery may be a child's first experience with church and we try to make their time happy, caring, and pleasant. Two approved adults are there to help the children learn that time away from their parents can be a good time. The nursery staff is willing and ready during both church services as well as Sunday School.

Come and visit us!

Pre-K & Kindergarten

(4 years-Kindergarten)

Located on the main level; Room 23

Kids learn Bible stories that help develop respect for the Bible and the desire to learn more. Many different activities, stories, songs and games correlate with the lessons.

Come learn and play with us!

1st, 2nd & 3rd Grade

Located on the upper level; Room 34

Students learn through hands-on learning of Biblical stories and crafts.

4th, 5th & 6th Grade

Located on the upper level; Room 32.

Students learn through discussion and hands-on learning of Biblical stories.

Junior & Senior High

Located on the upper level;

Youth Room

Youth learn through dialogue and teaching. Students are challenged to think for themselves with no right or wrong answers.

Adult sunday school

3M Class

Located in the Fellowship Hall, downstairs

Our largest Sunday School class usually studies a book of the Bible and also has many social gatherings throughout the year.

Pastor's Class

Located on the main level | Room 24

An informal discussion-based class which usually goes through a book of the Bible.

Faithful Friends

Located on the lower level;


Small groups

Bible Studies

Men's Bible Study

Wednesday Morning: 6 a.m.

Location: Main Level, Room 23

Women's Bible Study

Wednesday Morning: 10 a.m.

Location: Main Level, Parlor

Pastor’s Bible Study

Thursday: 6 p.m.

Youth Bible Study

Wednesday: 7 p.m.

Other Groups

Men's Breakfast

2nd & 4th Saturday of the Month @ 8 a.m.

Location: Church Cafe

Contact: John Omslaer

Faithful Hearts

3rd Sunday of the Month: 8:45 a.m.

Location: Upper Level, Room 38

Contact: Lori Brooks

The Friendly Visitors

This small group of caring individuals visits our shut-ins. They also follow up with individuals that we are missing in worship. This is a ministry that is special and unique in that we are blessed in return from the folks to which we are ministering.

Contact: Jenny Toporcer

Youth Group

Grades 6-12 Now meeting on Sunday Nights at 6 p.m. (Off during summer months)

All youth in grades 6-12 are WELCOME!

Youth activities are not limited to Sunday evenings. Different activities are planned throughout the year.


August calendar

We, as United Methodists, pledge to uphold the Church with our prayers, our presence, our gifts and our service.

Christ calls us to share our financial blessings through tithes and offerings to further God's work here on earth.

Please click the "Online Giving" button below to make your donation.

ways to give

We, as Methodists, pledge to uphold the Church with our prayers, our presence, our gifts and our service.

Christ calls us to share our financial blessings through tithes and offerings to further God's work here on earth.

Please click the "Online Giving" button below or scan the QR code with your cell phone to make your donation.